Caring Neighbourhoods

© Inge Nicholaij, Groningen 2019

Bringing healthcare back to the people!

How do we embed healthcare in all its forms (standard, social and mental) in the urban fabric? How do we create space for informal care networks? How do we make neighbourhoods fit for life?

Display Case


There is already a lot of innovation in the care sector today. We are gathering together all the interesting practices and initiating a conversation about caring neighbourhoods. As a whole, the practices provide insight into the breakthroughs that are needed. They constitute the building blocks on which we can continue to build.

Action plan


Various private, public and citizens' initiatives are already creating caring neighbourhoods. Care is locally anchored. Care is leaving behind the isolated and specialist campuses on the edge of the city. From now on, people will receive the care they need in their own, familiar surroundings.

Discover the map with all the Building Blocks

Building blocks

New construction Den Dries Master Plan
New construction Den Dries Master Plan
© Volt Architecten

Den Dries

The residential development project by Den Dries vzw provides an ideal location in the city for people with severe support needs. The inclusive and mixed housing project in an urban setting will provide homes for people with and without disabilities in the same residential district in Evergem. The housing project focuses on the extensive socialisation of care and thus abandons the concept of a traditional care campus as an island adrift from everyday life.
Activities of Het Schoppeke in the spotlight, 2021, Lier
Activities of Het Schoppeke in the spotlight, 2021, Lier
© Dienstencentra Lier, Lier 2021

OCMW and City of Lier Social Policy

The City of Lier and OCMW Lier built a care campus around Het Schoppeke local service centre in the urban centre of Lier: the site combines large educational facilities, adapted housing for the elderly and other services. OCMW and the City of Lier wanted to create a part of the city where the demand for care for the elderly and the care provided by students would come together to provide informal and intergenerational neighbourhood care.
Social-artistic approach by Villa Voortman in the spotlight, 2019, Gent
Social-artistic approach by Villa Voortman in the spotlight, 2019, Gent
© Villa Voortman, Gent 2019

Villa Voortman

Villa Voortman is a meeting place in Ghent for people with a combined problem of substance abuse and psychological difficulties. This group of people with dual diagnosis often falls between the cracks in the range of standard support on offer. By focusing on a safe space for meeting, creativity, communal care and local anchoring, Villa Voortman lowers the threshold to support this group.
Xenia House Leiden in the spotlight, Leiden
Xenia House Leiden in the spotlight, Leiden
© Xenia Huis Leiden

Xenia House Leiden

In the Netherlands, the options available to young people aged between 16 and 40 who require intensive or palliative nursing and medical care include the traditional hospices outside the city, where the average life expectancy is three months and the average age is eighty. Or... the Xenia House, a guest house and hospice for young people in the centre of Leiden.
The community centre of Selwerd District Company, Groningen
The community centre of Selwerd District Company, Groningen
© Wijkbedrijf Selwerd, Groningen

Selwerd District Company

In the district of Selwerd in Groningen, various innovative initiatives are underway aimed at the district’s social and physical renewal. The Selwerd District Company takes on a special role in this respect by focusing on care in the broad sense of the word. The District Company stands for an approach to care provided by and for the district’s residents.
De Korenbloem
De Korenbloem
© Stijn Bollaert

De Korenbloem

Old and new, private and public are intertwined in a neighbourhood care campus
House of God of Sint-Amands
House of God of Sint-Amands
© OFFICEU Architecten

Godshuis van Sint-Amands

A service centre as a meeting point between care home and village
© Tim Van De Velde


The care home's garden meadow becomes a new village square


Lokaal Samenwerken in zorgzame buurten
Prof. Liesbeth De Donder, Sylvia Hoens, Hannelore Stegen, Octavia Kint, An-Sofie Smetcoren
Fonds Dr. Daniël De Coninck, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Agogische Wetenschappen

Baudelo: sociaal-ruimtelijk onderzoek
Els Vervloesem, Heleen Verheyden, Griet Roets, Evelyne Deceur, Emmely Swinnen
Architecture Workroom Brussels, UGent vakgroep Sociaal Werk en Sociale Pedagogiek

Integrated community care for all: seven principles for care
Philippe Vandenbroeck, Tom Braes
Transnational Forum on Integrated Community Care

From Cure to Care - transitions in the healthy city of Utrecht
Els Vervloesem, Rinske Wessels / Architecture Workroom Brussels, De Smet Vermeulen architects, MUST Urbanism.
IABR, Municipality of Utrecht

Van Cure naar Care: de film
Roel van Tour

Nieuwe Coalities voor de Gezonde Stad
Roel van Tour

Maatschappelijk investeren in de Gezonde Stad
Roel van Tour

Bouwen aan de Gezonde Stad
Roel van Tour

Buurtgerichte Zorg: de ‘actief zorgzame buurt’ als toekomstmodel voor Vlaanderen en Brussel
Prof. Dominique Verté, Ann Bekaert, Bart Denys, Johan De Muynck, Luc Foriers, Guy Plas, Tine De Vriendt, Stijn Moons, Tinne Peeters, Walter Sablon, Herwig Teugels, Frans Theys, Ward Tomsin, Ingrid Verhoeven, Christine Vervaet
Vereniging van Vlaamse Dienstencentra (VVDC), het Kenniscentrum Woonzorg Brussel

Zorg voor de Buurt. Technische nota
Chantal Van Audenhove, Anja Declercq
LUCAS KU Leuven, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid, Departement Omgeving

Pilootprojecten Onzichtbare Zorg - innoverende zorgarchitectuur

Team Vlaams Bouwmeester, Departement Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin

Landscape and Energy - Designing Transition
Dirk Sijmons, Fred Feddes
Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi Uitgevers/Publishers)

Buurtgerichte zorg
Emily Verté
Academie voor de Eerste Lijn, Vrije Universiteit Brussel en Universiteit Antwerpen