Dampoort KnapT OP!
Dampoort KnapT OP! is an initiative by OCMW Ghent and the City of Ghent, which aims to offer so-called ‘noodkopers’ (people forced to buy substandard property at inflated prices) the opportunity to renovate their homes. Some people on a low income go to the extreme to buy a property, even if the house is in a terrible state with few basic comforts. Many of them lack the means to carry out comprehensive renovation work or even the necessary repairs. As a result their energy bills and other costs are sky-high.
Dampoort KnapT OP! set up a rolling fund to help residents through sustainable financial solutions and intensive guidance. It means that the OCMW and the City of Ghent invest money with no repayment term, and the invested amount is repaid to the fund when the property is sold or in the event of the death of those concerned. As a result the authorities can support other people in the same position. It helps combat social exclusion. In this project ten homes were renovated in a single block, with the aim of substantially increasing the energy performance and living standard of each home. Each family involved receives an allowance of 30,000 euros. The project also focuses on developing a concept that achieves affordable renovation work for ‘noodkopers’ that can be applied in other districts, linked to the development of a financial model and a legal framework. As a follow-up to this project the City of Ghent aims to renovate a hundred homes to make them healthier, safer, more energy efficient and life cycle-proof.
9040 Gent
City of Ghent, OCMW Public Centre for Social Welfare Ghent, CLT Ghent vzw, consortium including Samenlevingsopbouw, the local poverty association SIVI, and renovation supervisor Domus Mundi
financing, solidarity
Dampoort KnapT OP AVS Oost Vlaamse Televisie
Welfare organisations such as Samenlevingsopbouw, SIVI vzw, CLT Gent vzw and Domus Mundi are involved in the renovation project. They are responsible for intensive social, financial and technical support during the process, such as reviewing financial resources, applying for grants, obtaining permits, appointing contractors and monitoring the work and delivery.
photo: AVS Oost Vlaamse Televisie, Gent 2016
Dampoort KnapT OP AVS Oost Vlaamse Televisie
The lack of own resources serves as the starting point of the renovation policy. ‘Noodkopers’, buyers forced to purchase an inferior quality house and who cannot pre-finance possible renovation works are supported socially, financially and technically.
photo: AVS Oost Vlaamse Televisie, Gent 2016

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Sustainable urban renewal. Target group-based use and reuse of renovation subsidies

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District renovation with emergency buyers
photo: Gent